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A Legislative Framework for a Pan Canadian System of Child Care Services


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Cameron, Barbara (2004). A Legislative Framework for a Pan Canadian System of Child Care Services. [Document de travail ou de référence]

[thumbnail of Legislative_Framework_for_a_Pan_Canadian_System_of_Child_Care_Service.pdf]
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This paper was prepared by Barbara Cameron, PhD, for the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada as the basis for a discussion on a legislative framework for a pan-Canadian system of child care services. It takes as its starting point the desirability of a dedicated Act, a designated child care services transfer, and the importance of the accountability of the executive branch of government to the elected legislature for the expenditure of public funds. The focus is on accountability rather than funding issues.

Type de document: Document de travail ou de référence
Informations complémentaires: Langue : anglais Couverture :
Mots-clés libres: garde des enfants famille
Sujets: Clientèles > Enfants
Déposé par: Coordonnateur OQL
Date de dépôt: 11 juin 2012 14:49
Dernière modification: 11 juin 2012 14:49

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