Bibliothèque Électronique en Loisir

How to engage older people in sport and physical activity: A ressource for sporting, recreation and fitness clubs


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COTA Victoria (2015). How to engage older people in sport and physical activity: A ressource for sporting, recreation and fitness clubs. [Publication officielle]

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This resource offers sports clubs, recreation and fitness organisations practical strategies and resources to encourage older people to participate in sport and recreation clubs and associations.

Type de document: Publication officielle
Mots-clés libres: associations aînés loisir acteurs de soutien loisir actif ressources techniques older people fitness recreation participation australia DSHER
Déposé par: Quebec Forme
Date de dépôt: 29 mars 2017 12:42
Dernière modification: 07 avr. 2017 14:05

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