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"Cittaslow International" Charter


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Cittaslow: International network of towns where quality of life is important. (1999). "Cittaslow International" Charter. [Publication officielle]

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The Association called �Cittaslow �Rete Internazionale delle città del buon vivere�: in short, �Cittaslow�, is established between the Towns of Bra, Greve in Chianti, Orvieto, Positano and Slow Food Association. The duration of the Association is unlimited. The Association will adopt its own trademark portraying �an orange coloured snail bearing a crown of modern and historical buildings� (as per Attachment C to the present Charter): integral part of the trademark will be the wording �Cittaslow Rete Internazionale delle città del buon vivere ", whose use will be regulated.

Type de document: Publication officielle
Mots-clés libres: La Charte et principes du mouvement international des municipalités dites ''Slow''.
Déposé par: Coordonnateur OQL
Date de dépôt: 06 juin 2012 13:32
Dernière modification: 06 juin 2012 13:32

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